Essential Guide: Write an Amazing Voice-Over Script

Have you ever sat down to write a voice-over script? If so, have you experienced writer’s block? If so, you are not alone. Many of us experienced the same thing. For years, people have called out for better voice-over scripts, without the clichés. They want a more natural and authentic presentation of their product/service.

So, if you ask yourself lately: „How to write a voice-over that knocks you off your feet”, this guide will point out the different things you need to consider when writing your scripts.


Pick your style and stick with it

People recognize authenticity.

Whether you want to make a product presentation or YouTube storytelling show, the voice-over script is the most important part of your video. The script makes or breaks the video because if it’s boring or confusing, viewers will click away.

Voice-over scripts are usually divided into two parts:

The announcer’s part – Includes the opening and closing comments that are read at the beginning and end of the commercial. Here are some good examples of how to hook an audience right away:

  • Did you know that…
  • I’m going to show you a little secret…
  • How do you explain when … don’t go as assumed?
  • Every minute 100.000 people are having a problem with
  • Close your eyes for a second. Now imagine that you are in the middle of… 

The essence part – The second part is where you describe what is happening in the video footage. It is this part that contains the meat of your sale so use action words to grab your listener’s attention, especially when you get to the part about how to order your product. In this part, you could put a little product/service showcase description. If you are not doing a product/service video, just continue with your storytelling.

Guide your listener

Step-By-Step concept never went out of fashion.

Your goal is not only to entertain the listener but also to persuade him or her to take an action. You want people to buy your product, sign up for your service, donate to your cause, switch their insurance provider, vote for your candidate, etc. Therefore you need to direct your voice-over script accordingly.

A good voice-over script can take your audience on a journey. This formula can help you a bit:

  • Start by describing the product features.
  • Describe the target audience and how they can benefit from your product or service.
  • Present the solution you offer, using specific examples of how others have solved their problems similarly.
  • Finally, present your call-to-action item so that your listener knows what action to take next.

Use episode-based intros for clarity

This is a great way to start your script if you want to ensure that viewers watch your entire video.

Begin by introducing yourself and sharing a bit about yourself. Next, set out what the episode is going to cover and then move on to the body of your video. This technique helps viewers identify with you as an authority figure, as well as makes it easier for them to navigate through your video content.

Bullet points always help – If you’re explaining a particularly complex idea, bullet points might be the best option for you. Use short sentences that are easy to read and provide context around each point that you’re making without getting too wordy or overly complicated.

Write the „Premise” and „The Hook” – The „Premise” and „The Hook” are two different, yet equally essential ingredients for a successful voice-over script. Both elements combine to achieve the marketing goal set by the script.

The Premise

It is what your voice-over script is all about. It’s the story you want to tell. Your premise will be the foundation for the rest of your copy. The „premise” is the general story of your script. It’s the answer to the question: “What happens in my script?”

The „premise” should be introduced in one or two sentences at the beginning of your script. You can use direct or indirect speech, but make sure it is clear, understandable, and compelling.

The Hook

After that, write down your „hook” or „call to action”. It’s the most important part of your script because you want people to watch your video until the end.

“What do I want my viewers to do after they’ve watched my video?” This is what you should ask yourself when writing your hook. The answer to this question will be included in your last line.

The filler words can kill your script

Bad filler words are the things like “yah know” and “you know”. You don’t need to use them in your script. If you choose the wrong words, your audience will lose interest and click away. If you use the right words, they’ll be engaged and eager to hear what comes next. The words you choose create a powerful emotional response, so much so that even watching a video with bad audio can have an impact on your business.


  • Descriptive language.
  • Rich vocabulary.
  • Strong punctuation.
  • Add a musical background.


  • Boring Words like ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘really’, ‘that’.
  • Weak voice-over punctuation in the VO Script.

In the end, writing for voice is as much about applying theory as it is about practice. We hope that the information in this article will help you avoid some of the common pitfalls, and help you improve your scripts with each new script you write. After you finish your scripting you can try our tools for free and narrate your videos easily whether it’s PowerPoint/Keynote presentation or Markdown script.

Cover photo by cookie_studio on freepik

Narakeet helps you create text to speech voiceovers, turn Powerpoint presentations and Markdown scripts into engaging videos. It is under active development, so things change frequently. Keep up to date: RSS, Slack, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok